Pots of Primroses


Photo by me.

Hi!  It’s me, Wendy, the mom. Just thought I would venture out and post something to our random category.  LOL  I am still trying to adjust to this blogging.  As you may well know by now from our “So…How is this going to work” blog that “once a week we will post a ‘short.’ These will be between 500-1000 words, and can range from monologues, to short (SHORT) stories, to dialogues… literally anything and everything!”

Well, we also hope to post daily to our random category, so here’s my “random” post! We don’t really take credit for anything we post-it’s kinda, but not always, a joint effort.  If we do post our own you will soon see and catch some of the differences, not only in our writing but in how we think. You know the generation gap thing. So, if you want to take a stab at some of them-just let us know who you thought wrote it or if it was written jointly.   🙂  I think it will be fun and kinda an experiment to see if we truly reflect ourselves in our writing.  Not sure if we will ever fess up to who really was the author cuz that would ruin the mystery.

Oh, but when it comes to The Solution it is a joint effort.  One that I am enjoying immensely!

I really really hope that you will enjoy this beautiful journey I am taking with my beautiful daughter.  I feel privileged that we can share this with you. 🙂

Failure or Success is only measured in the journey and the shared memories we make along the way.


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